Monday, October 4, 2010

Update after a fun weekend

This weekend was a fun one for us, the small things we get to enjoy together make me miss being a stay at home mom so much. Saturday was spent out shopping most of the day, we went to a consignment sale. I love buying clothes for my pretty girl. I can't believe I'm shopping for sizes 3T and 4T! Later, we went to Food City and you got to ride in the racecar cart. I love how the smallest things make you so happy.

On Sunday, your sweet Papaw Charlie took you out shopping for a Halloween costume. I thought you would end up with something crazy, but the two of you picked an Ariel costume. You loved it so much! Your Papaw said several times on Sunday that it was the best day that the two of you had had together in a long time. He loves you so much. Later on Sunday, we went back out shopping for a red wig. Any little girl who wants to dress up like the Little Mermaid needs a red wig! We found the perfect wig at K-Mart, as well as some clothes for my little princess. I honestly cannot go anywhere without buying something for you. It's impossible. Later, when we got home I watched you play. You're such a little mommy. You lined all your tiny little princesses and polly pocket dolls up for a nap, and covered them up with a big blanket. You do the funniest things. You're so easy to amuse, you play pretend with your dollies and you love to color and paint with watercolors.

Something about you that I find extraordinary is your memory for music. You are very musically inclined, and have an ear for pitch and good rhythm. You come by this honest, for sure. You've been surrounded by musicians your entire life. But the way that you hear a song, and remember the words and melody so quickly just amazes me. A few songs that you love and sing constantly now are Single Ladies by Beyonce, If I Die Young by the Band Perry, A Little Too Not Over You by David Archuleta and many other songs from Dora and the Backyardigans. Everyone is amazed by your singing, it is so sweet to watch and listen to. I look so forward to watching you grow and unfold into whatever you dream of becoming.

I can't believe it's October. The weather has turned so cold, and it reminds me that winter and Christmas are on their way. I'm so excited. You make everything so much more fun, and I look forward to finding you the perfect gifts, and taking you to talk to Santa in a couple of months. Your Mamaw and I have started crocheting since Fall is here. We've made you hats, and a couple scarves. You are so spoiled, little girl. I love dressing you for fall, you look so cute in your blue jeans, sweaters, hoodies and boots.

Today, You and Granny came to visit me at work. You looked so cute in your pink cowboy boots your Granny got you! You came in and gave me some love, but you were too shy to give miss Sherrie a hug. You talked her ear off about the clock and the shape of her coffee cup. Everyone you meet loves you, because you have such a tender and sweet heart. I can't wait to finish the work day and come home to you!

Friday, October 1, 2010

36 months, 1 week, 2 days old

Today, I decided to begin blogging about my life. And my life is my daughter. My daughter who turned 3 years old on September 21, 2010. You are bubbly, and energetic and so curious. I wish I knew that you understood exactly how deeply and truly I love you, forever. It makes me so sad that you are growing up so quickly! What happened to my baby?

Mommy & Maci-July 2010

You are going for your 3 year well child exam on October 15th, and I will be able to blog about your exact height and weight. You wear a size 10 shoe, a size 3T shirt and 4T pants. You hate denim! "It's too tight, mommy!" You love watching movies and shows on Disney, and Nickolodeon. You never cease to amaze me, how smart you are, Maci DeeAnn! Yesterday you looked at Tonya's chihuahua and told him, 'your eyes are so beautiful, they make me melt.' Haha! You are so independent, never wanting to hold mommy's hand. When we go to Dollywood, you can ride some of the big kid rides now! We still enjoy riding the flying elephants, but my goodness how fun it was for mommy to sit beside her big girl on the ferris wheel for the first time. I am so blessed to be your mommy. Thank you, God. You love to be read to, Dr. Seuss, Dora books, Goodnight Moon. And we've just now gotten you accustomed to sleeping in your own bed again. Truthfully, mommy misses you more than you know at night, I love having your finger in my ear and your knees in my back. I love hearing you breathe at night. You're a wild sleeper, and the Sleep Fairy has been rewarding your good behavior. Sleeping in your bed all night deserves a prize! You have always been such an "easy" child. Every transition that I think will be hard for us, you make it a breeze. You let your bottle go without a fight, your pacifier, you're such a wonderful little girl.

Modeling the scarf I made for her

You are also very excited to be growing up, you always talk about how eating your dinner will make you strong so you will grow up to ride on the school bus. I don't look forward to that day at all, I wish you could stay my tiny little angel forever. You love eating grown up foods, you're the only 3 year old I know that prefers Japanese and Mexican food to a Happy Meal. You are your mother's daughter. You're also such a girly girl, you love to get into mommy's makeup and put on jewelry. You love playing dressup, and wearing hairbows. I just love it.

My girly baby in her first tutu

Everyday while mommy works, you stay with your Granny, mommy's grandmother, your great-grandmother. She spoils you rotten! You love to catch butterflies and ride on the golf cart together. She loves you so, and it brings me so much peace to know that you are with someone who dotes on you, and loves you so much. You stay with your Mamaw on Fridays since she is off from work, and you all have your special time to cuddle and watch morning cartoons. You are so close with your grandparents, so many people love you!

You have such a fun personality baby girl!

You started a "Mommy and Me" gymnastics class in August, and you absolutely love it! Every Friday evening we go and you run and jump and tumble for 45 minutes, and you've improved so much over these two months. You can do a seat drop, and a straight jump on the trampoline, and a forward roll. You can even balance on the beam, with a little reassurance from mommy holding your finger. You'll be in the tumblebears class without mommy before I know it. You're old enough this year to begin making requests for Christmas gifts, and you even talked to Santa on the phone and asked him for a "baby all gone." Where you heard of this toy, I don't know. Haha, you really take in those commercials on the Disney channel I guess.

Maci waiting for a stamp after her Tumblebears class

I'm going to try really hard to update this blog regularly. For myself, and for you. I don't want to forget a thing.